Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm back!!!

I'm back running again, little sore and way out of shape but Man I'm happy.
My first run was Sunday 8th (LINK) and is getting better day by day.
Got Email from Jim Yesterday about Spring Equinox this Sunday in New Cannan.
I was thinking of doing it... Will see.
On another note my second child (NOAH) was born on March 9th 7lbs 6 - 19 inches.
WOW i still remember like yesterday when My first son (NICOLAS) was born.
We definitely not getting any younger.

Nicolas, Noah and Lola


DawnB said...

wonderful news congratulations on the birth of your son, Noah. Hope mom is doing well

They are georgous!!

glad you are back running!

UltraBrit said...

Congrats on the birth of your son!

It was nice to meet you and run with you. I hope to see you at more races in the future. Kate

CTmarathoner said...

congratulations on the birth of NOAH, a healthy baby boy!!! Enjoy this time and enjoy the baby!!! Hope mom is recovering --I so remember the earl days of no sleep but it is a joyous thing and passes quickly!

Running CT said...

Thank you Girls!